Psalm 77:10-11

Psalm 77:10-11

We will remember You

Our writer has a blinding moment of revelation here and everything changes. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and attributing blame, he suddenly changes direction and focus, and the world immediately becomes a different place. All that he does is to switch “thinking mode”. Instead of concentrating on the present troubles, and even lamenting the “good old days”, the psalmist takes a leap of faith. Usually, faith requires that we look forwards and anticipate, here faith instructs him to look backwards and remember. Remember the deeds of the Lord, remember when the Most High stretched out His right hand, remember the miracles of long ago. 

I trust that we all have a reservoir of such memories. The Lord is very quick to start providing such moments in the lives of young, genuine believers, He ensures that we all have our mountain-top moments early on so that we can look back with wonder and amazement when the going gets tough. And then, one day, He may ask us to recall how we were blessed even in the dark times! It’s a good exercise to sit and catalogue the deeds of the Lord, to recall the miracles that we have witnessed and then to give thanks to Him. It’s a positive way forward out of the pit of depression and despair. Hallelujah!


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