Psalm 76:8-9

Psalm 76:8-9

The will of God

It’s a puzzling conundrum to ponder how God can be in more than one place! The Psalms are quite clear in their revelation of the presence of the Lord on Mount Zion, that He dwelt amongst His people in the Holy Place, on the sacred mountain in Jerusalem. However, it is also clear, as this verse shows us, that God is in heaven, and from heaven He pronounces judgement. The Lord is never confined to one place, He is both in all living things, but He is also over and separate from all living things. As a consequence, He encourages us to be “seated with Christ in the heavenly realms”, but also to know the intimacy of His presence in our hearts or inner temples, here on earth. God is spirit and He is not confined to time or place, He is free of earthly constraints, but He also chooses to be part of them. Part of you and me! 

This same Being pronounces His judgements from heaven and they are immediately put into effect by His will on earth. “You will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” This phrase from the Lord’s Prayer is not saying that there are two separate wills of God, and we must pray that His earthly will matches His will in heaven! It is saying that once God’s will in heaven is known, it must be immediately become active on earth. 

So, when a majestic God pronounces judgement in heaven, there is an automatic response on earth; in this case the land feared and was quiet. No one and nothing dare stand in His way although many would not have understood that the Lord God was at work. God speaks in heaven, and it is done on earth. His Will is pronounced in heaven, and it is done on earth. The earth has no choice but to react to His sovereign will for He is Lord. Praise God that we are the recipients of His Spirit and He lives in us. We have automatic connection to heaven and to His will. We may therefore obey Him and be blessed. Hallelujah!


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