Psalm 76:7

Psalm 76:7

A God to be feared

However much we talk and preach about a God of love, the Scriptures are quite clear, He is also a God to be feared. There needs to be a balance, hell-fire preachers rarely expressed the love of God, modern day Christianity does not accurately describe God’s anger and His justice. His majesty is fierce, He is the sovereign God and He rules over all of the powers and authorities, be it on earthy or in the heavens. God is also a God of wrath, remember Noah and the flood? The Egyptians and the plagues? Sennacherib and his army? The only reason that this evil world still stands is that the compassion and patience of the Lord are equal to His wrath and His justice. However, we all know that He will not be patient forever, He will not tolerate the antagonism of His enemies forever. God will not be mocked, He will deal with the world, and also individuals, in accordance with their works and their faith, or lack of it. “Who can stand before You when you are angry O Lord?” We will all bow; none will remain standing.

“At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11.


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