Psalm 76:5-6

Psalm 76:5-6

At Your rebuke, God of Jacob

As we have already commented, the theme of this Psalm fits very well with the story of Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, and his arrogant attempts to take on Jerusalem, the city of our God. These events were covered in detail in verse 3.

A similar scenario unfolded when Samaria was besieged by the Arameans, at the time of Elisha, and the enemy soldiers fled in the night because they thought they heard the sound of horses and chariots and a great army approaching! (2 Kings 6-7.)

Another example of the Lord God delivering His people from overwhelming odds happened at the Red Sea when God rolled back the waters, the Hebrew slaves crossed over and then the waters returned to drown the pursuing Egyptian army.

All of these events have a similar theme, Israel is pursued or surrounded and the enemy army is significantly stronger. In human and logistical terms, the situation is hopeless. Then, in steps Almighty God and suddenly the opposition are in tatters, either running for their lives or lying dead on the ground! “At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both horse and chariot lie still.” The same scenarios played out in the 1948 War of Independence, the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Isn’t it amazing to know that our God has not changed, He is still acting miraculously on behalf of His people. Even when they don’t believe it!

We do well to remember that when the odds are hopeless and we are surrounded by enemy forces and destruction seems imminent, our God is watching! He knows everything about our opponents and when we can do nothing more, He takes over! Hallelujah!


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