Psalm 76:3

Psalm 76:3

God is with us!

2 Kings chapters 18-19 describe the attempts by Sennacherib, King of Assyria, to surround and take control of Jerusalem in the time of King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah. Sennacherib wanted to negotiate a settlement and could not understand why Hezekiah believed that Israel would prevail in any battle. In chapter 19, Isaiah prophesies the fall of the Assyrians, “Therefore this is what the Lord says concerning the king of Assyria, “he will not enter this city or shoot an arrow here. He will not come before it with shield or build a siege ramp against it. By the way that he came he will return; he will not enter this city,” declares the Lord. I will defend this city and save it, for my sake and for the sake of David my servant.” That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death and hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning – there were all the dead bodies! So, Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. He returned to Nineveh and stayed there.” 2 Kings 19:32-36.

If the above events are linked to our verse today it all makes perfect sense. The Lord God was in His tent in Salem and in His dwelling place in Zion, no enemy therefore had a chance of prevailing against that city and its inhabitants.

You and I are accompanied by ministering angels (Hebrews 1:14), we are covered by the intercessions of Yeshua Himself at the right hand of God. The Holy Spirit is within us to guard us and guide us and we have the Book of Truth, the Bible, to instruct us. We are incredibly protected, and no enemies can enter our temples unless we entertain them! 



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