
Psalm 74:18

Enemies and fools

Israel were God’s chosen people. That set them apart from their neighbours. Yes, it made them arrogant at times and it humbled them too. They had no problems with national identity, and little has changed since! The relationship with God was pivotal in their dealings with all peoples. Those who mocked Jehovah were their enemies and His enemies too. 

We are also God’s chosen people and those who mock Him are His enemies and ours. That puts us at a significant disadvantage numerically, but it’s still better to be on the side of the Lord. There must be no physical engagement with the enemy for our weapon is the Gospel of Peace. However, we should not forget that mockery of our God only ever comes from enemy lips.

The verse talks also about “foolish people” who revile God’s name. As we have seen before, foolishness really means morally deficient. Those people, who think that they are not accountable, that no rules of behaviour apply to them and that they can do as they please, revile God’s name for they have turned their backs on Him and His laws for mankind. It seems to me that the vast majority of people are the enemies of God today. That can make us feel both vulnerable and lonely, but He remembers His enemies, this life is short, those who reject Him are going to pay a very heavy price. And so, we must continue to show compassion and pray that they will know the truth – before it is too late. 


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