Psalm 75:9

Psalm 75:9

Praise to the God of Jacob

The psalmist here had an eternal viewpoint! Whilst the adherents of the lesser gods, and those who had made themselves gods, might enjoy men’s praises for a time, His praise would last forever! It would resound from earth while our writer was alive on this planet, and it would go on resounding around the throne of Heaven when he left this world. His faith in the righteousness and justice of God would be forever declared and His wonderful deeds would be praised forever. The gods of other nations were nothing, they were lesser spirits who were, at best, created beings, and they were but a charade when compared to the God of Jacob or Israel. Jacob’s God was the only true deity, who had vastly greater power and influence than the lesser beings could ever have.

Let us believe this. Let us never stop praising the One who rules supreme. Let us continually declare this truth and sing out the name of our God. The route to well-being and inner contentment is to know God and to be able to declare Him, for ever! Hallelujah!


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