Psalm 75:8

Psalm 75:8

The cup of wrath

The Scriptures, on a number of occasions, describe the Lord holding a cup or being like a cup! This is a metaphor that describes the actions of a host who serves his guests from his wine supply. To the righteous, the Lord offers the cup of blessing or salvation; you will remember that David talks of his cup running over, such is the generosity of His Shepherd King. (Psalm 23:5) 

The wicked do not drink from this cup or of this wine, for they are only offered the cup of God’s wrath or judgement. Jeremiah 25:15-28 gives us a vivid description of this cup and its effects. Revelation 14:9-10 tells us about the cup of God’s fury that will be drunk by those who worship the beast or its image and receive its mark on their forehead or hand.

The cup being poured out in this verse of Psalm 75 is the cup of wrath. As intoxicating spices are added the wine foams and it is drunk by the wicked of the earth. Not one drop will be left, and not one of the wicked will be able to refuse the cup, as the Lord God pours out its contents and its recipients are inebriated by its powerful effects.  Thank God that those who believe will never have to drink from this poisoned chalice! 


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