Psalm 75:4-5

Psalm 75:4-5

Boast no more

There are certain people who are born to lead but very few who are born to lead well. It takes a certain kind of self-belief, even arrogance to climb the ladder of command and leadership. Many climb it because they think highly of themselves and will use any means to achieve their ends. Such people will find it impossible to be humble before God and also to avoid the prosect of profiting from their position. We see this scenario played out time and time again amongst politicians and people in positions of power, to the point that those of us who are older and cynical, wonder if there is anyone out there who serves others for the right reasons? It does us all no harm to ask, what are our personal motivations? Do we really care for others more than we care for ourselves?

The Psalms often portray the wicked and arrogant as self-seeking, greedy people who victimise others and who take no account of God or His laws. Such people are boastful, not just in their words but by the way they flaunt themselves and what they have achieved. Self-reliance is a side effect of prosperity and if we depend on ourselves, we cannot depend on the Lord God! 

Verse 4 of this Psalm (and its successor, and verse 10) all mention “horns”, probably referring to the aggressive behaviour of large bulls. It is effectively saying, “Do not raise your horns against the God of heaven. Do not defy the Lord. Do not speak out against Him in your arrogance.” Our culture measures success by what we own and our positions in life, this Psalm seems to suggest that none of that matters; it is our position in God that really counts. It is better to be humble and poor before Him than rich and powerful without Him. 


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