Psalm 75:3

Psalm 75:3

Firm pillars!

We would all like to think that good will always prevail over evil. However, the Bible suggests that this may not always be so. When the world powers become so godless and immoral that the very foundations of the earth start to quake, God may have to step in. He did it at Babel and He did it at the time of the Flood. 

In ancient times the temples of the gods were seen to be microcosms of the created world that also joined up with the heavenly spheres. That is why the buildings were upheld by great pillars with soaring arches and domes. In every temple there was a holy altar that ordinary men dare not approach for they could not come near to the god. It is sad that cathedrals and many churches were built on similar principles and that even today, they are deemed to be temples to a God who does not dwell in buildings and nor does He require the services of a separated, berobed priesthood! 

The Bible tells us that when the pillars of our moral world seem to be crumbling, God will guarantee its safety. He holds the pillars firm. “The foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them He has set the world.” 1 Samuel 2:8. The temple of the earth is in a parlous state at this moment in human history, the foundations are creaking. Isn’t it encouraging to know that the building will stand firm because its pillars are held secure by the Lord God Almighty? Hallelujah!


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