Psalm 75:2

Psalm 75:2

The God who is in full control

Well, verse 1 of this Psalm appeared to be innocuous, didn’t it? Yet it conveys powerful truths that require deeper consideration. This next verse is not dissimilar because it embraces the sovereign choices of God, His control of the times and the seasons, His judgements and the righteousness and truth that guide His decisions. This verse is a reassuring word from heaven, in response to the praises of God’s people on earth. Despite the threats of enemies and the dangers that surround Israel, He reminds them that He is in control. All times are set by Him and it is His responsibility to judge His enemies and when He does, He will do it with equity. 

We need to grasp these truths, to have a mindset that tells us that God is always in control, that nothing happens to us without His consent. All things are made by Him. “HE IS” the “I AM.” Every moment in history has come at His appointed time. Every event that unfolds even now is seen by Him and allowed by Him. The efforts of the enemy to destroy and despoil this earth are known by God and He will not allow anything to happen outside of His appointed time. Such is His attention to detail that even the death of a sparrow is recorded and noted. Every deed of every man and woman who ever lived is known to Him and He will make the final judgements about it all based on His knowledge of the absolute truth and on His perfect standard of righteousness. Hallelujah!


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