Psalm 75:1c

Psalm 75:1c

Continuing thoughts about "I AM"

In John’s Gospel the Lord described Himself as the “I AM” seven times. Each one of these statements an affirmation that He was equal with God and He was God! 

While there was no clearer way that Jesus could have said “I Am God,” He did not stop there. Instead, He continued to dive even deeper into revealing His nature and character by working purposeful miracles and making the following seven descriptive statements about Himself and each has real implications for humanity:

1.     I Am the Bread of Life: Jesus alone can sustain us, we are but starving beggars looking for food (John 6).

2.     I Am the Light of the WorldJesus is the original and eternal source of light in the universe for those who are spiritually blind by birth (John 8).

3.     I Am the Gate of the Sheepfold: Jesus is the only door to life for those who are lost outside God’s will (John 10).

4.     I Am the Good ShepherdJesus knows and cares for those who are orphaned, wandering sheep without a shepherd (John 10).

5.     I Am the Resurrection and the Life: Jesus is the key to escaping spiritual death for those who are hopelessly doomed to death because of sin (John 11).

6.     I Am the Way, Truth, and Life: Jesus is the accessible path, the illuminating truth, and the giver of life for those who are lost, ignorant, and dead without Him (John 14).

7.     I Am the True Vine: Jesus is the source of eternal life for those who are dead and useless branches apart from him (John 15).

Jesus is the “I Am.” He is everywhere, everything, and “every-when.”


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