Psalm 75:10

Psalm 75:10

All about horns!

We’re back to the horns again! it is sobering to stop and recall for a moment, all the headline grabbing rulers who have come and gone in our lifetimes. Usually men, but there have been some women too, who have had their moment of power and glory, who have dominated the world or national stages for a while and then, they are no more. A few of these people have worked for good, many have been corrupt and violent, and for a while they ruled ruthlessly often with a view to feathering their own nests. Then someone, or something, cut off the horns of these raging bulls and they are no more! Any man or woman who uses force or manipulation to make themselves gods to be worshipped by the masses, will have their day and then will be no more. Their reign of terror so often foreshortened and abbreviated at the point when they thought they were invincible. God Himself sees to it!

The truly righteous, who live their righteousness by faith, tend to remain unseen and unknown. Their lives are not lived in the public domain, and they pursue their good works quietly and humbly before God. They may go unnoticed on earth and their deeds may never make the headlines, but they are seen and recognised in the heavenly courts, and they will not go unrewarded. The Lord says that “the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.” In other words, they will be exalted and honoured and their deeds will be remembered. If we seek to live righteous lives before the Lord, even though no one else notices, He will! Hallelujah! 



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