Psalm 74:23

Psalm 74:23

The uproar of Your enemies

This is one last attempt to appeal to the Lord God’s sense of justice and righteousness. From verse 18 of this Psalm Asaph has been trying to plead the cause of the people but also pleading with God to not let the evil nation of Babylon prevail. Among other reasons, he uses the foolishness of the enemies, the upholding of the covenant promises of God, the rightness of His cause and the oppression of His chosen people, as bargaining tools. Asaph dares to remind the Lord God of His responsibilities to Israel and also to the honour of His own name! As if God cannot hear for Himself, Asaph draws His attention to the noisy voices of His enemies who never stop defying Him and mocking Him.

I suppose that if we were enslaved by a foreign power that pours scorn on our God and on our faith, we might feel the same way! In truth, we are entrapped in an evil world by fools who never stop mocking our God. His name is a constant source of blasphemy and the main means by which fools express their unbelief. The fact is, that it is our God and His Son, Jesus Christ, that are the objects of man’s scorn and mockery. They do not blaspheme the names of Allah or Mohammed, or Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva, Krishna or Buddha or the Sikh Gurus. It is not the main beliefs of the alternative gods of the age that are questioned but the works of a Creator God and the Laws that He has provided for mankind. 

Oh God, Your enemies mock You as they always have done. Daily, we hear them reviling Your name. Do not forget Your holy people, keep the promises of Your covenant with Your church. May all who are poor and needy praise Your name and may we never retreat in disgrace! Defend Your people Oh God. See all that is happening our world and how the nations have rejected You. Defend Your cause, and may Your righteousness, truth and justice prevail – forever. Hallelujah!


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