Psalm 74:12

Psalm 74:12

Salvation, throughout the ages

This verse literally reads that, “God is my King from a long time ago, He is the One who has been bringing salvation to the earth, throughout the ages.” Of course He has! He made the earth. He is its Creator. He has watched over every tiny detail of the natural world. He has carefully revealed what man needs to know at any given point in time. He has been the inspiration behind all of man’s greatest discoveries. He has breathed life into every baby that has been born. He has counted the hairs on our heads and numbered the sparrows when they die. He has granted life to all living things and watched in sorrow as we fade, after a short time of occupancy on the planet. He is the beginner of all things and the end of all things – the Alpha and Omega. He has called out to men and women to know Him and serve Him. He has constantly stepped into history to save us from destroying ourselves. Best of all, He has done everything possible for us to know him and live lives that are blessed by His planning and provision. He brings salvation to the earth, through His Son, Christ Jesus. He brings salvation to you and me and without Him our lives would be pointless and meaningless.

So, let’s agree with Asaph, “But God is my King from long ago; He brings salvation on the earth.” Hallelujah! 


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