Psalm 74:4-5

Psalm 74:4-5

Babylonian brutality

The next verses of the Psalm are painful indeed. They describe the Babylonian destruction of Temple in Jerusalem, and Asaph must have felt deep anger, and sorrow, as he recalled these events. The Babylonian soldiers did not enter the courts quietly, they roared with triumph as they smashed their way into the Holy Place, swinging their swords and spears like men who are cutting their way through a bramble thicket. This was no ordered destruction, it was furious, barbaric and brutal. The eyes of the destroyers glinted with elation as they smashed the holy objects and tore up the sacred coverings. They piled up those objects that had material value and salivated over the prospect of getting rich at Israel’s expense. 

Where the altar of incense and the menorah had stood were empty spaces. Inside the Holy of Holies was an empty space too, for the Ark of the Covenant was removed and taken to Babylon, never to be seen again. Instead of the familiar objects of worship, the soldiers raised up their troop standards, proclaiming that this site now belonged to the Babylonian Empire. This was a demonic attack for it was driven by the devil and the aim was to confront the God of Israel and to destroy everything that bore His name and symbolised His presence among His people. It was a direct assault on the Lord and His people, and He allowed it! At the time it brought Israel to its knees; centuries later we can see that our God always triumphs in the end, and Satan’s violent, destructive fury is no match for Elohim Adonai. Hallelujah! 



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