Psalm 74:3

Psalm 74:3

Israel has a future!

The fate of the Jews, and the fate of their holy city and its temple are inter-linked. If ancient Israel loved and served her God, turning from idols and living in accordance with His commands, then blessing ensued. In this prayer, Asaph pleads with the Lord to hurry to restore the land and its everlasting ruins. In his thinking, if the land is restored, so its people will also be restored. The ruins are described as everlasting because the site will always exist so long as there are Jews on the earth. Despite men’s best efforts, Jerusalem has staggered onwards and today still occupies centre ground in the unfolding history of mankind. The ancient stones still lie at the foot of the temple walls and the past haunts you as you walk through the city. 

Modern Israel is mainly secular, there are believers, the Messianic Jews, and there is an ever - growing population of orthodox Jews still avidly studying the teachings of the Rabbis and still pursuing the rituals of their religion. All around them the land is flourishing, the desert has blossomed, and trees and plants are growing where the soil was barren 100 years ago. The infant nation has been protected in miraculous ways and the prosperity and influence of this tiny state continues to grow. Why have they prospered? Why have they been so blessed when they are no better than their ancestors? Why were Asaph and his fellow Israelites in captivity because of their unbelief, and today a secular state is being blessed by God? What has modern Israel done to deserve such favours?

 Ezekiel 36:16-38 is well worth a read. It describes very clearly, exactly what the Lord God has been doing in the last 75 years and it is all for the sake of His Holy name. “The name which you profaned among the nations where you have gone.” v22-23. Israel is being prepared for even greater blessing, their hearts will soften, and they will know the Lord. Accordingly, the nations of the world will know that when the Lord speaks, He will do it! v36. Hallelujah!



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