Psalm 73:26

Psalm 73:26

My portion forever

As human beings we usually think of ourselves in a physical sense. What we look like. What we do. Who we are in terms of who we know. The first questions a quiz host on the TV or radio asks are, “What is your name? What do you do?” Age, sex, and physical health are all important components of who we are and in this verse, these are described as our flesh. But God is not interested so much in our flesh as He is in our heart – the soul and spirit within. Jesus did not die to save our bodies or our flesh, He came to give life to our spirits. It is our inner person that He is joined to and that will live on with Him into eternity. Our flesh will fail. Our physical hearts will stop beating but the inner being is strengthened by the Lord and will live if we are born again. 

Amazingly our inner beings are born again here and now, we are already new creations. Our fleshly bodies will be born again at the resurrection, and we will have new bodies in preparation for our rule and reign, here on earth, with Christ. 

The verse talks about God being our portion forever. Asaph was a Levite, and he owned no land or wealth, that was part of his problem in the earlier verses of the Psalm. His “portion” was the tithes that the people presented to the Lord and that were then shared out amongst the Levitical families. Now, he admits that the tithes are not his portion of the share-out. God is! Forever. Let’s remember this when we are struggling with finances or lack of funds for whatever reason. The Lord is our portion, forever! Hallelujah! 



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