Psalm 73:25

Psalm 73:25

Whom have I in heaven but you?

The wicked love their gods and it’s always nice to have a reference point beyond the earth isn’t it? To be able to pay homage to something bigger and greater but not something that interferes too much with life here in this world. Sometimes you can even use that higher power as a justification for what you are doing on earth. It is so easy to appear to be able to manipulate the higher powers to support you when they don’t exist! 

For those who acknowledge the one, true God, who trust in Elohim Adonai there can be no such deceits. He is real. He has revealed Himself to us. He is not an illusion or the figment of our imaginations. So, when we look heavenward, beyond the confines of earth, beyond the glory of the sun, moon and stars, who is there? The Lord God is there, crowned with glory and honour and at His right hand is His Son, Yeshua, the King of Kings and the Lamb of God. Who else matters? What else matters? There is nothing and no one more desirable and the wicked can keep their earthly wealth, we have treasures that are far greater, in heaven.

That thought alone makes this world bearable! We could have all of the riches of earth, the fancy yachts, the castles, the multi-million investment portfolios, the fancy cars, the lavish lifestyles but they are nothing compared to knowing God and His Son, Christ Jesus. Wealth only buys temporary security, and it cannot forgive sin or sooth a troubled soul. Our God does all of those things and so much more. “And earth has nothing I desirer besides you.” Hallelujah! 



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