Psalm 73:24

Psalm 73:24

You will take me in glory

When he listened to the inner voice of his own soul, Asaph was misled. The tentacles of envy and self-pity began to entangle him, and he was dragged down into introspection and doubt. As we have seen, he entered the sanctuary of the Temple and was overwhelmed by the glory of the presence of the Lord God. Immediately the negative voices ceased, the doubts were swept away, and heavenly logic replaced the worldly reasoning in his soul. The counsel of the Lord became his guide.

What a lesson for us. Modern psychology is all about discerning the inner voices and replacing the negative influences with positivity. It is about knowing yourself. The Lord God, through His word, offers an alternative. Instead of looking within and hoping to correct our own reasoning, we are invited to look up. To listen to a different voice. To be led by the wisdom of our Creator. Wow! What a privilege and what freedom this brings, One who knows us far better than we know ourselves offers to become our Mentor and our Counsellor. 

And when this earthly journey of trials and sufferings is over, He invites us to join Him in glory. You see, He knows that we all need something to look forward to. One of the best cures of introspection and depression is to be able to hope, to know that the future is gleaming bright, to have certainty that things will ultimately turn out for good. Asaph believed that his destination was God’s glory whilst the destiny of the wicked was terror and destruction. Those are the choices that God still offers to mankind. It’s a no-brainer isn’t it? 


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