Psalm 73:23

Psalm 73:23

You hold me by my right hand

Sometimes we have to stop and evaluate our journey of faith. There are many twists and turns and highs and lows. There are times too of anxiety and doubt, times when the Lord seems very distant and other occasions when His Holy Presence is so very real. All of us experience the emptiness of the wilderness and the daily plod where very little seems to change, contrast that with the mountain top moments when our hair stands on end and we are overwhelmed with joy and wonder. In all of this, one thing remains the same and Asaph sums it up, “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” Notice that he does not say, “You hold me with your right hand.” The right hand is one of authority and strength and blessing, in other words the Lord God steps down to take our hand and to exalt, empower and honour us even when, like Asaph, we were close to doubting Him! 

Wherever you and I go, today or tomorrow, whatever may happen in our lives, the Lord is with us – forever! He is always with us, and He always holds our right hand. This is who we are. This is our identity and what sets us above others. It is not transitory worldly riches or wealth but the unstinting faithfulness and power of our God. Hallelujah!

Five days after meditating upon this verse, our attention was drawn to the condition of a 2year old boy who had fallen into a pond and was as good as dead. He was rushed to hospital, of course, and for 3 days his family kept vigil at Addenbrookes Hospital with little hope for his survival, let alone full recovery. The boy’s name is Dexter and I discovered that in Bible Latin the word is used for the right hand - a place of favour. (From this we get the word dexterous.) A number of us prayed for this boy and on Monday 11th April 2022 we prayed in this verse, asking the Lord to take hold of the right hand of little Dexter. Immediately his hand turned very hot and within a few minutes he was alert and communicating with his joyful parents. They took a video and he waved his right hand!! His father was an atheist and that night he went to the Hospital Chapel and prayed to the God he had been ignoring. Dexter is now fully recovered and unscathed by his experiences. Hallelujah!  



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