Psalm 73:21-22

Psalm 73:21-22

Senseless and arrogant

Our psalmist, Asaph the wise, has changed his tune considerably. He nearly slipped in his relationship with the Lord (v2). He envied the arrogant rich and pondered the pointlessness of his innocence (v3-14). 

However, he shudders at the thought that he might have spoken out about his negativity because it completely disappeared when he entered the sanctuary of God (15-17). He now realises afresh the final end of the wicked and how violent their destruction will be (v18-20). And now he apologises to the Lord God for his foolishness, “I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you.” In other words, my reasoning was no better than a stupid animal, I was not being rational, the only thing that makes sense, Oh God, is You. To follow any other philosophy and lifestyle is to walk in ignorance. 

Aspah speaks for us all. We can look at those who are better off, let’s face it who doesn’t, and become very bitter. We can add up the rewards of a lifetime of giving and wonder if we might have been better off serving ourselves, there seems to be little to show for all the endeavours. Where does loyalty, devoutness and “carrying the cross” get you? Well, Asaph can and will tell us, it keeps us out of the terrors of God’s judgement and, as we shall see, it prepares us for glory that will last for eternity. Hallelujah! 


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