Psalm 73:19-20

Psalm 73:19-20

The fate of the wicked

Have you noticed the complete change in emphasis in the Psalm since the writer visited the Sanctuary of God? (v17) Prior to that visit he was overwhelmed by self-pity and envy of the wicked and the wealthy. Now he understands their end, he sees the pointlessness of their greed and abuses, he realises that pitfalls and traps lie before them all and their destiny is the judgement of the Lord God. Their downfall is usually sudden and awful – “swept away by terrors!” The psalmist likens their end to a nightmare, when you awake the horrors very quickly pass and you realise that it was just a dream. So it is with the wicked, they are the characters in the nightmare who will soon be forgotten. Memory of them and their ways will so easily be left behind.

The Lord never sleeps but should He do so, when He awakes the memory of the wicked will be dismissed as if they were just a fanciful hallucination! The Lord despises the wicked and we should be under no illusion that they are objects of His sympathy or His compassion. Their eternal damnation is guaranteed, and it is earned. They are condemned and will be punished.

You would think that these sombre warnings might be heeded, wouldn’t you? But they are not, men and women still live to please themselves at the expense of others. If they do not have the Lord, what do they have but to enjoy this world as much as possible and to store up treasures as their insurance policy against ill health, trouble and old age? The powerfully rich still plot and scheme to grasp the world’s wealth, and they still arrogantly scoff at the idea that they will have to account to Almighty God one day. The Bible warns that It is better to be a pauper in God’s kingdom than to be a rich man outside of it. Let us never forget that. 


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