Psalm 73:9

Psalm 73:9

Who do they think that are?

“The wicked lay claim to heaven with their mouths!” Wow! What does that mean? Well, it could have a number of meanings. 

Firstly, the gods lived in the heavens and so the wicked and the proud are effectively saying that they do not bow down to any god, they are in control, they are not accountable. Included in this rebellion is, of course, the one true God, Elohim, who made the heavens and the earth.

Secondly, the wicked boast that they know how the heavens work and how the laws of space and time are under their control. It is so arrogant for men to make such claims when we barely know anything about what lies beyond this world. We just about made it to the moon in 1969 and since then men have boasted as if we own the rights to the whole universe! In truth, every new discovery about the heavens has proved how little we do know and what we do know is only what God has revealed!!

Thirdly, men behave as if they have the final say in their own destiny, that they know what lies beyond death, that God does not exist, that they will take their chance when life is ended because they will not account to some mysterious being who may or may not exist. 

The Psalm goes on to say that the wicked let their “tongues take possession of the earth.” In other words, they act and talk like they are better than everyone else. We live in an age when men are coming together, like never before, to lay claim to our planet. The world is building towards a global community who will one day be led by the most arrogant leader of them all – the antichrist. However, the Satan, in human form, will NOT inherit the earth or the land, he will instead plan to destroy it completely. 


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