Psalm 73:6


Pride worn like a necklace

A necklace is usually a highly visible adornment, isn’t it? I mean, that’s the whole point of a necklace, it’s meant to be noticed. And most necklaces are not bits of string, they are made of pearls or gold or something precious. Most ladies have at least a couple of necklaces and, ok, I admit they are not all highly valuable, but they are still only worn for attention. They do not keep you warm or cover your dignity!

That’s the whole point of the metaphor in this verse, pride is something that you wear with pride! You can usually smell a proud person a mile off, or at least you can spot them immediately you start conversing with them. I once had a work colleague who was extremely likable, but who would never stop talking about himself and his achievements, he really did think that he was the very best at everything he did. Sadly, those who knew him well, knew different. Contrast this with Proverbs 1:8-9. “Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.”  Proverbs talks, in chapter 3, about love and faithfulness and wisdom, understanding, sound judgement and discretion also being like ornaments that grace the neck. (See Proverbs 3:3 and 22). 

If the wicked wear pride around their necks like necklaces they are, more often than not, also clothed with violence. You see, this verse is telling us that the thoughts and intentions of men and women are clearly visible if you are look at how they present themselves. This is our warning to take care to not get too close to such people.


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