Psalm 73:3-5

Psalm 73:3-5

Don't envy the prosperous

I wonder who these people were, who so upset the song writer? Obviously, there were a number in his circle of acquaintances who lived a charmed life. These were arrogant men and women who had prospered greatly but had no time for the Lord God. They all enjoyed good health and seemed to be care-free and able to enjoy a very wealthy lifestyle. The common struggles of life, and the burdens of ordinary folk did not seem to bother these wicked ones, they lived above the suffering of their contemporaries. 

It is easy to look at others and draw these conclusions, to envy the rich in their mansions with their luxurious cars and lifestyles, men and women who seem to be constantly travelling to exotic locations and having the time to lap up the good things of life. In fact, our envy is often misplaced. These people suffer from the same illnesses as the rest of us, they struggle with the same anxieties and problems and for many, the responsibility of wealth is a huge burden. The lifestyle is just a cover-up that hides all of the insecurities and troubles that accompany every single one of us. Few are wealthy and very happy, to view people in this way is pointless for it reveals our own inner envy. 

Don’t bother to be jealous of the rich for if you have Jesus, you have far more than they do! Hallelujah! 


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