Psalm 73:2

Psalm 73:2

It's slippery underfoot

This verse only makes sense in the context of what precedes it. Yesterday we talked about the goodness of God revealed to those who are pure in heart. Contrast with verse 2 of the Psalm where we have a man who was on the brink of disaster. He uses a climbing analogy, “My feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold.” We can only assume that the song writer had slipped away from godliness and the purity of heart that was so desirable.

I suspect that all of us can identify with this experience. Our spiritual walk had been going so well. We had enjoyed the ascent and the sense of growing closer to the Lord. The songs we sang were deeply meaningful. The prayers we prayed had passion and understanding. Those moments of intimacy with the Lord were full of peace and joy. Then, along came the enemy. Our peaceful hearts became embroiled in conflict, our senses were lured away and suddenly - we felt ourselves slipping dangerously down the spiritual mountainside. What is so annoying is that this has happened before – many times. Will we ever learn? 

No, we will not, until we surrender ourselves completely to the Lord and the battle with sin is won. It takes a lifetime I’m afraid, but every skirmish brings us closer to the goal - to be like Jesus. 


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