Psalm 73:13

Psalm 73:13

Is it all in vain?

There is a clue in this verse as to the occupation of Asaph, the writer of the Psalm. We know he was a Levite, but the verse suggests that he may also have been a priest. Asaph talks about “washing his hands in innocence.” The practice of the priests, at the Temple, was to stand before the Bronze Laver and wash themselves thoroughly. This ritual was mandatory before they were allowed to enter the Holy Place. Hands must also be washed before the making of sacrifices and the offering of blessings and prayers to heaven. Perhaps Asaph was a priest who performed this ritual many times and he was now beginning to ask himself, “What’s the point?” 

Asaph also talks about keeping his heart pure. He had, over the years, worked tirelessly to keep himself holy to the Lord and where had it got him? While he had been performing ceremonies and rituals, practicing abstinence and piety, valiantly keeping the commandments and ordinances of God, the wicked had been growing wealthier and enjoying themselves!! 

I  wonder if we might suffer a little bit from this kind of self-pity at times? While the world enjoys themselves on a Sunday morning we may feel we have to put up with church! While the world indulges itself, we practice abstinence. While we maintain a moral code and seek to live righteously, they indulge their senses and seem to get away with it. Well, there’s one simple answer to all of this, the wicked will have all of eternity to regret their lifestyle and their rejection of God! Life on this earth is very fleeting and whatever people accumulate here, we must never forget that it cannot be taken beyond the gates of death. I know which camp I would rather be in, don’t you?


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