Psalm 73:10

Psalm 73:10

They claim to be wise!

Picking up on a comment made in the previous verse, this statement makes me angry! We are used, as Christians, to the idea that what we see and know about God in the spiritual realm is what He has revealed. His Word reveals Him in the flesh, in other words in Christ, and in the written truth – the Scriptures. The Holy Spirit it is the inspiration behind this knowledge, and He reveals to each man and women what they are intended to know and what they need to know in the course of their spiritual journey. Teachers of the Word often despair that the hearers are not understanding, but they will only ever understand what is revealed.

What we generally do not understand is that the same principles apply in the natural world. Man only understands what God has chosen to reveal! So, Galileo, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Michael Faraday and co are not so clever after all! They used their considerable skill and intelligence to discover new things, but God was the One who revealed them. The tragedy is that for many, the revelations were unaccompanied by faith and instead of truth, these brilliant men drew false conclusions and declared lies. Charles Darwin is a case in point. What is equally tragic is that whenever God reveals something new, it is for our good, but men so often turn it to bad. So, the world of science has always been a spiritual battlefield. 

It is against the backdrop that we can see that the Satan mocks the Lord God. What has been revealed about our world and about our universe is twisted and warped and turned against the Creator and His creation. And the people drink it all in. So many discoveries and inventions have been used for evil purposes and God is mocked. He revealed truth to us for good, and the Satan mocks His revelations. Will God be reviled forever? No, He will not! Will His name always be cursed and blasphemed? No, it will not!


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