Psalm 72:9

Psalm 72:9

Back to the Garden

Another look at yesterday’s map will remind us of the extent of the land that was promised to Israel. In truth they never ventured far to the east of the River Jordan and further north than the frontier with Lebanon. The wars since 1948 have shown the capabilities of the Israeli Defence Force to advance into these territories but, for the sake of peace, the politicians have withdrawn to agreed boundaries. Interestingly, our verse today has the king of that time conquering the desert tribes to the east as, of course, they would have to do if the land was extended to the Great River Euphrates. 

It may well be that, when Messiah comes to reign, He will rightfully extend His kingdom to embrace the ancient territories and His saints will reign with Him over a land mass much larger than modern Israel. Zechariah 14:16 has delegates from all over the world coming to this place, and to Jerusalem, to bring their tributes and offerings to the King of kings. If the restoration of modern Israel is anything to go by, this whole area will be like a modern Garden of Eden where peace will reign, where the lion will lie with the lamb and children will play with cobras! Isaiah 11:6-9. What a day that will be and we will be there! Hallelujah!


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