Psalm 72:6

Psalm 72:6

Rain on me!

The previous verse of this Psalm was a plea for the king to enjoy long life, and we reflected there that this wish for longevity has been repeated over the lives of many monarchs throughout history. What is less common is the cry for them to be like, “Rain falling on a mown field” or “Showers watering the earth!” 

In Deuteronomy 32 we read the Song of Moses, given to Israel at the end of his life. He begins with these words, “Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.”  

We can now begin to see that it was not the reign or rule or personality of the monarchs that was like rain, but their words, their teaching, their instructions. Fields, or lawns, are only mown if the grass is growing and they are green and lush. If the ground is parched and dry the grass does not flourish. In the same way, the wisdom of a king is revealed by his words which water the ground for his people, and which causes them to flourish. Let’s face it, everyone hangs on the words of a leader and he, or she, can affect the future direction and health of a whole nation. 

The words of the Lord Jesus are like rain to our spirits and our souls, they bring refreshing and obviously, growth. We can drink from Him for He is the Living Word. His words are the words of the King of kings. Hallelujah! 


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