Psalm 72:2

Psalm 72:2

Righteousness and justice

By the time many of you read this, the full extent of Putin’s assault on Ukraine will be known. As I write it has been just 5 days and it is abundantly clear that righteousness and justice do not feature very heavily in his ambitions! In fact, it is very hard to survey history and find national and global leaders who were intent in pursuing these qualities. The Bible doesn’t mention many of them either, although our writer clearly had righteousness and justice high on his list of prerequisites for government. 

A righteous judge is one who is able to discern, with clarity, the rights and wrongs of every matter. He considers all of the evidence and carefully weighs up every fact and every account. He listens to the witnesses and rejects those who are prejudiced and speaking subjectively. He understands the circumstances of the accuser and the victim and then he carefully applies the detailed letter of the law and makes his decisions. 

When this Psalm was written, it was often the role of the king to be the final arbiter in state and civil matters. Great wisdom was required, especially when the downtrodden, the poor and those who were unable to defend themselves, were brought to trial. Hence, it was a heart cry from those who loved the Lord God, that they should act in line with His perfect qualities of justice and righteousness. May we do the same, as sons of the living God, be it in the public domain or in our everyday interaction with family, friends, fellow believers, colleagues and anyone else who crosses our path. 


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