Psalm 72:18

Psalm 72:18

He alone does marvellous deeds

“Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone does marvellous deeds.” It started in a Garden, with just two people, a man and a woman. They were there at the beginning of the wondrous deeds, living in Paradise on earth and in a world of colour and sound and variety amongst millions of other living things, all created at the word of the Lord God. At the beginning, mankind was given the command to “Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it.” From that time on, instead of living in harmony with the earth and its Creator, men have fought against the living world and sought to own it. The consequences are revealed throughout history. Where there has been obedience and honour paid to the Creator, there have been wondrous deeds. Rebellion against and rejection of the Creator has brought doom and disaster. In a rebellious world, there are few wondrous deeds, just a steady decline into oblivion and the requirement to virtually, start again. See the Flood, Babel, Israel, the Empires of the Egyptians, the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, British, Communism et al. 

It follows that if we want to experience God’s wondrous and marvellous deeds, then we must live in harmony with Him as Creator and Lord. He alone can do these things; no other gods are able. He alone has control over the natural and the spiritual worlds. If we want waters parted, or a storm to go away, or to be rescued by a fish, or a foreign army to be overcome, or miraculous healings to occur, or an earthquake to open up a prison, or any event that is beyond human power, then it is to Him alone we must turn. HE ALONE does marvellous deeds. Hallelujah!



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