Psalm 72:16

Psalm 72:16

A land of abundance

Travellers to Palestine, throughout the centuries after the dispersal of the Jews in AD70, found a desolate wilderness occupied by nomadic tribes and small communities, that barely scraped a living from the land. Jerusalem was besieged and occupied by numerous peoples bent on conquest, but it was no longer the flourishing city that housed a Temple to Almighty God. 

I first visited the land of reborn Israel in 1992 and marvelled at the orchards, plantations and green fields filled with crops. Twenty years later the miracle continues as the tree plantations creep steadily closer to the Dead Sea and the fertile Jordan Valley abounds with cultivated fields. The hills have indeed turned to green and still seem to flourish despite the hot, dry summers. Every kind of fruit adorns the tables of the hotels and honeycombs freely invite indulgence. The land is a living miracle, even the climate has adapted so that rain and snow water the ground that was once a desert! Somehow, the Jewish people are blinded to this outpouring of generosity from heaven, few give glory to God, instead they prefer to credit themselves and their hard work.

We come to Psalms like this one and realise that it is the Lord who is the provider, He has made grain abound on what was parched ground 100 years ago. The wheat and barley do indeed sway on the tops of the hills and in the valleys too! Israel today is a land of abundance as it awaits Messiah’s arrival, although, in some ways, His presence is already visible! Hallelujah! 


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