Psalm 72:13

Psalm 72:13

He takes pity on the weak and needy

This verse reminds us that our earthly view of poverty, weakness and need is very much different from God’s view. Firstly, He has an eternal view of life and death. Everything has to be put into perspective and a few years of poverty in this life are nothing when set against the backdrop of eternity. True poverty is not knowing God, not being known by Him, and not knowing the hope of eternal life.

We also need to remember that the richest man ever to live on our planet, had nothing! In worldly terms, Yeshua was penniless. He owned no property, no bank account, no chattels, he had no earthly assets and yet He was not poor. In other words, it is not worldly possessions that count with God, it is treasure in heaven.

It would also be right to say that Yeshua showed us His weakness as a man. This was displayed when “He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death – even death on a cross!”  Philippians 2:7-8. 

When we take God’s heavenly perspective, we see that the weak and the needy are people like you and me. Those who see how sin has entrapped them. How desperately they need to be rescued, how helpless they are. The needy are those who throw themselves at the feet of God’s mercy and, having been saved by Him, do not forget to walk humbly before their Lord. 


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