Psalm 72:12

Psalm 72:12

Deliverance for the needy

Remember that this Psalm is an anticipation of a ruler to come. Some of the content could certainly be attributed to Solomon and it describes the hopes of his father, David, as he prepares to hand over the kingdom of Israel. Solomon was renowned for his wisdom, and he did indeed, rule justly. However, as we have seen, the ultimate fulfilment of Psalm 72 will come when Messiah reigns upon the earth. 

The reign of Yeshua will not be cruel, He will not use his power for selfish advancement, and He will not rule as a dictator. There will be no oppression during His reign, and He will not pursue His own interests. He will show the world what it is like to live under righteousness, justice and truth. The reign of Jesus Christ will embrace all who are weak, needy and afflicted. He will not allow any to be despised, unlike the rulers of this world who are so full of their own self-aggrandisement that they distance themselves from their poorest and most down-trodden subjects. 

We must remember that during Messiah’s reign, the Satan will be bound and his attempts to harass and trouble the world will be, at least for a while, suppressed. The world will experience peace and equity and people will be shown what it means to live God’s way. We will be witnesses of and participants in this amazing era as we await the final conflict and ultimately, the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. Hallelujah!


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