Psalm 69:9

Psalm 69:9

Zeal for Your house

Notice that this verse follows directly after the previous one, with no full stop dividing them. So, in verse 8, Yeshua admits to being a foreigner and stranger to His earthly, family household. However, here in verse 9, He is declared to be zealous for the house of God. The disciples interpreted this to mean the Temple after they had seen Him turn over the money-changers tables and drive out the animals that were being bartered there. (John 2:17). The temple was certainly part of the equation, but I am sure that Jesus was concerned with much more than a building in Jerusalem. “God’s house” embraces Israel and its rituals and its land, but it also refers to the church, and the vast numbers of heavenly beings who serve the Lord in realms far beyond this earth. It was zeal for His spiritual house and family that took our Lord to Golgotha; if He had not passionately cared for us all, He would never have volunteered to bear the suffering that became His lot. It was because He knew that the Lord God cared passionately too, that He was able to undertake the role of the Lamb of God.

This interpretation is borne out by the next few words of the Psalm, “The insults of those who insult You, fall on me.” How dare they speak ill of God! How dare the wicked so despise the God of heaven and earth. How dare they ignore Him and rebel against Him and declare Him to be irrelevant. How dare they blaspheme His name! Such behaviour made the Son of God angry, and He resolved to do whatever it took to clear His Father’s name and reputation. He was zealous for the house of God. Hallelujah!



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