Psalm 69:8

Psalm 69:8

Cut off from the family

The New Testament names James the Just, Joseph, Simon, and Judas as the brothers (Greek “adelphoi”) of Jesus (Mark 6:3, Matthew 13:55, John 7:3, Acts 1:13, 1 Corinthians 9:5). The same verses also mention unnamed sisters of Jesus and there are those who think that one of these may be named Mary, after her mother. The above Scriptures prove that there was regular interaction between Yeshua and His siblings and that they went on to follow Him. For instance, James wrote an Epistle and was a prominent leader in the early church in Jerusalem. We often forget to include these family members as part of the discipleship group that followed the Lord around. What is astonishing is that they knew Him better than anyone, they would have known His faults, if anyone did.  But that intimate knowledge was not a hindrance to faith, they believed in Him too!

In His suffering Yeshua was alone. There was a small party of loyal friends who watched on at Golgotha. Mary His mother was there, but His death tore the family apart, they could not bear to watch. This suggests that though they had been loyal to Him during His three years of ministry, not one of them had anticipated that terrible finale. And so, the Lord of all the earth, and the son of Mary, and the eldest of her children, died alone. 


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