Psalm 69:7

Psalm 69:7

His shame was our shame

Remember that these words form part of a prayer to God. We are attributing everything that is being said here to Yeshua. His pain and agony are being unveiled for us in these verses and we are being shown the mental and spiritual torture that went way beyond His physical suffering. This verse continues on from the previous one, where our Lord pleads that His shame should not be reflected upon His friends and followers. Now, He admits that such is the burden that He carries, that shame covers His face. In other words, as He died in my place and in Yours, as He became us, He was ashamed! He was ashamed of my sin and yours, He was ashamed of our words and actions and thoughts. As a perfect man who had never sinned, He was ashamed to have to become sin for us. My dear friends, it was written all over His face, the wickedness of man caused Him to hang His head in ignominy and humiliation!

Meanwhile the soldiers mocked, the passing spectators jeered, the witnesses added their insults and the loyal observers watched in silence. This should never have been. How could One, so full of life and truth and goodness, be treated this way? Our Saviour did it for our sake, but He also did it for His Father. God in heaven, Elohim Adonai, had asked His Son to carry out this terrible assignment. He had planned all along, since before the creation of the world, to redeem a people to Himself. The only way was to free them from the judgement of their sin, but His justice required that the penalty for that sin must still be paid. It was necessary therefore to find a substitute, and Yeshua agreed to become that substitute for us. That is why He bore the reproach, and that is why shame covered His face.


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