Psalm 69:6

Psalm 69:6

"Because of Me"

In His 3 years of ministry Yeshua made some close and dedicated friends. Men and women who loved Him, who hung on to His every word and who were devoted and loyal and who trusted Him implicitly. Men like Simon Peter, Andrew, James and John and the other disciples. Then there were Mary Magdalene, Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus from Bethany and other lesser known but equally loyal followers who held Jesus the Christ in very high esteem. I wonder how they felt when they saw His shame and witnessed His cruel crucifixion? Some of them must have experienced a sense of shame, a feeling of being duped maybe, an angry reaction to the empty promises that had not been fulfilled. Although the Gospel accounts attribute many of these people with undying loyalty, especially the women, there must have been a few who felt let down and who wondered if the awful finality of the cross was the end of the whole saga. 

Hence these amazing words attributed to Yeshua, “Lord, the Lord Almighty, may those (mentioned above) who hope in You not be disgraced because of me; God of Israel, may those who seek You not be put to shame because of me.” You see, even in His suffering, our Lord was thinking of others. He did not want the faith of those who loved God to suffer because of His shame! I wonder when He prayed these words. Was it in Gethsemane or was it on the cross? I suspect the former as He counted the cost of all that was about to unfold in the next few hours. Thank God that now we know that he was crucified for us, that He rose from the dead and that He reigns in heaven; we need feel no shame whatsoever in bearing His name and admitting to His friendship. Hallelujah! 



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