Psalm 69:36

Psalm 69:36

Dwelling in Zion

These last verses of the powerful Psalm have been describing the consequences of the resurrection in power, of the Son of God. In verse 34 we discovered that all creation will be liberated to praise the Lord. In verse 35 we are told that Israel will reclaim its land and the people will settle in it once again. This last verse of the Psalm seems to extend this blessing to all peoples. God’s people, and their children will inherit Israel. Those who love His name will dwell there. No wonder so many of us feel an affinity with the land and love to go there. It is clear from many other Scriptures that when Yeshua comes to reign upon the earth, Jerusalem and Zion in particular, will be the centre of His authority and governance. All people will come to the city to worship and bring their offerings. Read the whole of Zechariah 14 and in particular verse 16. “Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after years to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.”

What a time that will be, creation liberated, Israel fully restored and trusting in their Messiah, those who love God’s name dwelling in that land, and the nations coming every year to worship the Lord God. All of this came about because Yeshua was willing to suffer, to endure the agonies described in this Palm. Because of His willing obedience all the blessings described will be lavished on the earth. These present days are the labour pains that precede the birth of a new order, when those who are truly born again will live a life of joy and fulfilment in the service of the King of Kings. Hallelujah!


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