Psalm 69:34
Psalm 69:34
Let everything praise Him
These last verses of the Psalm sing with triumph as Yeshua anticipates His deliverance. They start with a rallying cry to all of creation to praise the living God. Notice that it is not just the living creatures that are called to praise the Lord, but the inanimate foundations of the heavens and the earth are invited to praise too! It’s interesting to note that every atom has a resonant frequency and that, throughout the Psalms, the trees, the skies, the seas, the mountains and the heavenly bodies are all attributed with the ability to respond to the Creator who made them. Maybe their praises far exceed what mere, mortal man is able to offer? All living creatures are enjoined in this symphony of joy that acknowledges the power and glory of the living God. Imagine a fish praising or an eagle singing for joy! It seems that maybe it is only mankind who refuses to give the Lord the honour that He is due?
We have treated this Psalm as an expression of the thoughts and experiences of Christ Jesus in His suffering. Surely, these few verses bring us to the joy of His resurrection? It’s not hard to imagine the effect of the moving tombstone on the entirety of Creation. Everything sang with joy that day, as Yeshua emerged from the grave and all of creation knew that freedom from the curse of sin would be possible. “Creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” Romans 8:21.
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