Psalm 69:33

Psalm 69:33

The Lord hears the needy

It goes without saying that we pray a lot longer and a lot harder when we are in need. When our spiritual boat is sailing blithely along, when the skies are blue and waters are calm, prayer can be the last thing on our minds. But, when storm clouds gather and the wind quickens and the waves start to toss the boat, then we are inclined to think about prayer! Perhaps we are selfish in our prayer lives, we only cry out when things are going badly in our little pond?

These scenarios cannot be attributed to Yeshua, He prayed all the time. He cried out to the Father when in need and He spent time with His Father just for the sheer joy of His company. In addition, He knew that when everything was going wrong and the assaults of the enemy were growing in intensity, that did not mean that God, His Father, had abandoned Him. Nor did it mean that God had turned away and no longer loved Him. Even in His captivity, under the brutal control of the Roman soldiers, He was loved. It was just that He must bear this cross of injustice and agony alone. However, He knew that His Father still loved Him. Perhaps God loved Him even more – if that were possible!


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