Psalm 69:32

Psalm 69:32

The poor will see and be glad

On the surface, this verse appears to be a simple statement of fact. In God’s time, the poor in spirit will see and be glad; those who seek Him will live! We know this to be true, it has been fulfilled in Yeshua. Is there anything more to be said?

We have defined the poor before, in Scripture the word does not usually refer to those who have little wealth, it means those who are humble, contrite and respectful before the Lord. Those who know who He is and what their place is before Him, those who have a right perspective on the greatness of their God, and the poverty of man. It is only when we lose sight of ourselves and our importance that we can truly see Him. 

Numbers 12:3 tells us that Moses was a humble man, more humble than anyone else on earth. It was this quality that endeared him to God and led him to become an amazing leader of Israel and arguably their greatest prophet. Even today he is honoured for the Torah, the Law and the establishment of Israel. God needed a man who was “poor” and Moses was the only one who fitted the bill.

The verse tells us that in addition to spiritual poverty we need to be men and women who seek God. Have you thought about your own spiritual journey? Do you seek His wisdom or seek human knowledge? Do you seek His will or your own goals? Do you seek His glory or your enhanced reputation?  Our Christian journey will be defined, not by our achievements but by our seeking after God. That is the key to life in Him! Hallelujah!


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