Psalm 69:25

Psalm 69:25

Empty tents

The plot to remove Yeshua was a fairly simple one. It was hatched by the Chief Priest and their associates, those who felt most threatened by His claims. The Temple Guard would be sent to a quiet place, at night, to arrest Him, once they had the “tip-off” from Judas. A carefully manipulated trial would ensue and false witnesses would be hired to give testimony. The prisoner would be presented to the Roman Governor who would be left in no doubt that the world would be a better place without this troublemaker! The whole procedure should not last longer than a night and a day and if the end result was the removal of Jesus, it would be worth losing a bit of sleep! 

The perpetrators of this most terrible of crimes thought they would be safe once Jesus was disposed of; little did they realise that their actions would lead to their own removal. In a few short years there would be no more Sanhedrin, no more priesthood, no more temple and the Jews would be scattered to the four winds. That is, the Jews who survived. Yeshua rose from the dead and started a new nation that continues to grow to this day. The tents of His killers were empty for the next 2,000 years because of their scheme to dispose of the Son of God – their Messiah. 

It is difficult to attribute these words or thoughts to the Lord Jesus but He had them. We know He did because everything happened exactly as was prophesied here in this very Psalm! When God speaks, God acts, that has been His way since the beginning of creation. We do well to heed His voice.


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