Psalm 69:23-24

Psalm 69:23-24

Backs bent forever?

As David penned his Psalms it’s clear that there was a definite delineation in his mind between the righteous and the wicked. Time and again he seeks respite and victory for righteous men but invokes curses over the wicked. The underlying principle was rooted in the Jewish faith, God Himself had instructed the people that if they obeyed Him and honoured Him it would go well with them, and they would be blessed. If they disobeyed and ignored Him, the land would suffer, and they would be cursed. Small wonder that the Israelites were always able to make a distinction between the ways of the righteous and the wicked. Thus, the Psalmists were able to call down God’s anger and curses upon the wicked nations that surrounded them, and the writers also expected blessing upon Israel. 

We tend to be more gracious towards the wicked because we hope that they will be saved. In truth, nothing has changed. If wicked people do not turn to the Lord God and obey Him, and that defines wickedness, then they will be cursed. 

The men who mocked, persecuted and abused the Lord Jesus throughout His suffering were standing on very dodgy ground. Few, if any, would ever recover from this experience. We do not know their names or their fate, but we can be sure that the curses in this verse were fulfilled, and they suffered the consequences of their actions. Darkened eyes are associated with failing strength, by grief with affliction and hopes deferred. Those who suffered bent backs, would know weakness and pain. It’s not something I have ever thought about but now I see that these words must be fulfilled and that the perpetrators of Christ’s sufferings, and the jeerers and the mockers and the schemers, would particularly suffer for their part in the most terrible crime in human history. God’s Word must be implemented, and these men would know the wrath and the anger of a Holy God. Yes, what they did was to carry out His will, but not through obedience. Lord help us to keep on the right side of you!


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