Psalm 69:20

Psalm 69:20

There was no one!

This is a terrible verse, for here Yeshua admits that the scorn, the reproach and the insults hurled upon Him during His suffering, have broken His heart. The damage done by these arrows of injustice have left Him helpless or sick, some translations render this, “Insults have broken my heart to the point that I could die.” I find it impossible to put myself into the head of the Son of God to try to understand why insults so grieved His soul. Maybe the rest of the verse gives us a clue, “I looked for sympathy, but there was none, for comforters, but I found none.” At this point in His ordeal, our Lord searched the faces of the crowd, He looked into the eyes of His accusers and all He could see was hatred and ridicule. He was deserted by heaven and by all the earth. He was completely alone, not one voice raised in support and no one showed Him any compassion. 

Perhaps it was the injustice that hurt so much? He had done nothing wrong. He had lived an exemplary life. His entire ministry had been devoted to serving others. Where were the crowds that He had healed? Where were the men and women He had delivered from evil spirits? Where were those He had fed with loaves and fishes? Where were the eager followers who had hung on His every word? Where was the throng who had waved their palm branches and shouted “Hosanna” just a week before? Where were they? In this moment, our Lord discovered how fickle and capricious human beings can be. He had realised that God His Father was conspicuous by His absence, and there was no sympathetic human friend either who could offer consolation. He was utterly alone! The dread, in that moment, was overwhelming. 


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