Psalm 69:17-18

Psalm 69:17-18

Do not hide your face

This prayer for salvation has occupied a number of verses (v13-18) at the very heart of the Psalm. It is no mere request for a little bit of help, it is a heart cry from deep within the soul. It is a pleading, repetitive supplication for relief. The prayer appeals to the most sympathetic characteristics of Almighty God; His love, His goodness and His mercy. The more terrifying the atrocities faced by the sufferer, the more pitiful are His cries. “Please don’t turn away from. Look at me, just show me Your face so that I know You are with me. Stop this silence, just speak to me. Why are you so reluctant to acknowledge my cries? Don’t abandon me, let me know that You are at least close by. Come quickly please, I am in deep trouble here, I don’t think I can take much more. This suffering is greater than I can bear. Please come and rescue me. Where are You my Father?”

It is hard for us to imagine the rift that had now come between Yeshua and His Father, these two had been one in every way, held by an eternal bond that had kept them closer than any human relationship. What the Father thought, Yeshua thought. What the Father did, Yeshua did. What His Father said, Yeshua said, because He was the expression of God to men, He was the Word. Now, all of that was broken and the Son must exist in torment without His Father. It is impossible for you and I to understand what that meant – for them both, but in order for Yeshua to bear our sin, He must bear the chasm, that sin had created. The same chasm that separates all sinners from their God. 



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