Psalm 66:7

Psalm 66:7

His eyes watch the nations

These are frightening times for many people. The world is suffering from a pandemic such as we never seen before. Millions have died and at the time of writing, 2 years after it all began, there is still no respite. Mr Putin and his Russian army think that they can move in and destroy a neighbouring country with few repercussions. Meanwhile most of the world’s economies are in horrific debt. Money has been borrowed with no material assets to underwrite the loans, and in some countries the interest rates are negative because governments cannot afford to maintain their repayments. The system is about to break and “economic growth” that was meant to continue forever will come to an end. Millions will be plunged into poverty and famine. 

Meanwhile, we keep producing nuclear warheads, biological and chemical weapons and sophisticated weaponry that could destroy our planet many times over. Add to this scenario, the Climate Change agenda and the world is in a complete and utter mess. The only answer that mankind has, is to come together in a global system that can tackle the global problems and to keep exploring outer space to see if we can live somewhere away from this planet!

Thank God for verses like this one that tells us, “The Lord rules forever by His power, His eyes watch the nations – let not the rebellious rise up against Him.”  The sole cause of all of our problems is man’s rejection of the living God and an agenda by the Satan to destroy all that the Lord has created. Thank God for His Word that tells us there is a better way and there is One who watches the nations and who will eventually say, “Enough is enough!” Hallelujah!


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