Psalm 66:5

Psalm 66:5

Come and see

“Come and see what God has done, His awesome deeds for mankind!” Oh, what an invitation. “Come and see. Come and see. Come and see what God has done!” If only people would respond to this cry, what a show He has put on! From creation to redemption to national preservation to personal intervention, He has been working flat out for thousands of years for the benefit of all of mankind. Yet the majority, either through unbelief or disobedience want nothing to do with Him. How crazy is that? This verses reminds us that our job is to keep saying to them, “Come and see. Come and see.”

I read, yesterday, this powerful verse in Isaiah 45:21. “Declare what is to be, present it – let them take counsel together.” So, we are not only commanded to tell the world what He has done but also what He will do! We are not asked to convince people intellectually or to Bible-bash or to compel them, just to tell them. Jesus meant this when He gave part of what is called the Great Commission. “Go into all the world and preach the Good News of the Gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15.

The response to our forthtelling will not always be positive. My wife was recently healed, through prayer, from a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot on her lung). She has told her work colleagues, and all remain sceptical and unbelieving, but that does not, and should, not stop her, or me, from saying, “Come and see.” This cry from heaven and the lips of the righteous has echoed down the centuries and been disregarded by most. Paul warns of the consequences of unbelief and says that people are without excuse. Romans 1:18-23. So, let’s keep telling them, “Come and see.” 


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